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Adam Li

Owner, Operator

Adam Li

Adam was introduced him to horses at a very young age by his parents.Their complete trust in Adam’s capabilities have given him an independant spirit that has grown into confident capabilities that can only come from first hand experience and doing the work.
Adam started his career riding in the competition ring. He began to learn how to manage people and facilities as the McMaster Equestrian Team Captain for 5 years. His goal of owning his own equestrian company was immediately put into action post graduation and he continues to build the company to this day.

Dustin Froese


Dustin Froese

Dustin grew up on a large farm in the Fraser Valley in British Columbia, Canada. He loves working with his hands and is a creator at heart. Dustin primarily works as an architectural consultant. He offers professional planning services to the largest airports around the world. Dustin supports Maximum Equestrian in his spare time. His farm experience and background in agricultural construction make him specially suited to keep the facilities and daily operations running smoothly.
Dustin enjoys exercise, drawing, reading books, and building furniture.

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